Afraid of birth? Heard too many horror stories about how painful birth can be?
Would you like to avoid drugs & episiotomy?
Want to learn how to cope with contractions ?
Maybe your birth companion wants to know how to help you during labor?
Then come to this informative, interactive, and Free Birthing By Calm event with me, Tiffany Timmins!
Come and learn how together, we may help you have the Birth of your Dreams!
Find out how HypnoBirthing® can help make your birthing experience a calm and joyful one, For You, Your Birth Companion, AND your Baby!
Grab your companion, and we’ll See you there!
**You will receive a class coupon for coming!**
Be sure to Register to save your spot!
Birthing By Calm HypnoBirthing
Tiffany Timmins, BSBM, HBCE, C.H.